WebCopilot – Ανακάλυψε κενά ασφαλείας εύκολα και γρήγορα

Το WebCopilot είναι ένα εργαλείο αυτοματοποίησης σχεδιασμένο για την απαρίθμηση των υποτομέων του στόχου και την ανίχνευση ελαττωμάτων χρησιμοποιώντας διάφορα εργαλεία ανοικτού κώδικα. Ένα εργαλείο αυτοματοποίησης που απαριθμεί υποτομείς (subdomains), φιλτράρει παραμέτρους XSS, SQLi, ανοικτής ανακατεύθυνσης, LFI, SSRF και RCE και στη συνέχεια ανιχνεύει ευπάθειες.




  • Απαρίθμηση Υποτομέων (subdomains) χρησιμοποιώντας τα εργαλεία assetfinder, SUBLIST3R_V2.0, subfinder, amass, findomain, κ.λπ.
  • Ενεργή Απαρίθμηση Υποτομέων (subdomains) χρησιμοποιώντας τα εργαλεία gobuster και amass από τη λίστα λέξεων SecLists/DNS.
  • Εξαγωγή τίτλων και λήψη στιγμιοτύπων των ενεργών υποτομέων χρησιμοποιώντας τα εργαλεία aquatone και httpx.
  • Ανάκτηση όλων των σημείων τερματικής των υποτομέων χρησιμοποιώντας το waymore και φιλτράρισμα των παραμέτρων XSS, SQLi, SSRF κ.λπ. χρησιμοποιώντας τα πρότυπα gf.
  • Εκτέλεση διαφόρων εργαλείων ανοικτού κώδικα (όπως το dalfox, το nuclei, το sqlmap κ.λπ.) για την αναζήτηση ευπαθειών σε αυτές τις παραμέτρους και στη συνέχεια αποθήκευση όλων των εξόδων στον φάκελο.


g!2m0:~ webcopilot -h
                                                                [] Version: 2.0.0
                                                                [] @h4r5h1t | G!2m0

[] Warning: Use with caution. You are responsible for your own actions.
[] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage cause by this tool.

webcopilot -d <target>
webcopilot -d <target> -a
webcopilot [-d target] [-o output destination] [-t threads] [-b blind server URL] [-x exclude domains] [-f subdomains file] [-a] [-v] [-h]
  -d        Add your target [Optional]
  -o        To save outputs in folder [Default: webcopilot-<timestamp>]
  -t        Number of threads [Default: 100]
  -b        Add your server for BXSS [Default: False]
  -x        Exclude out of scope domains [Default: False]
  -f        Specify a file containing subdomains, this will skip subdomain enumeration [Optional]
  -a        Run all Enumeration by default it will run only subdomain enumeration [Default: False][Time Consuming]
  -v        Show version of the tool
  -h        Show this help message

Example:./webcopilot  -d domain.com -a -o domain -t 333 -x exclude.txt -b testServer.oast.fun
You can use  https://app.interactsh.com/ to get your server

Εγκατάσταση του WebCopilot


Το WebCopilot απαιτεί το Git για να εγκατασταθεί με επιτυχία. Εκτελέστε την παρακάτω εντολή ως root χρήστης για να εγκαταστήσετε το WebCopilot.

git clone https://github.com/h4r5h1t/webcopilot && cd webcopilot/ && chmod +x webcopilot install.sh && mv webcopilot /usr/bin/ && ./install.sh
[*] Installing Tools
[*] Creating Directories
[*] Installing Dependencies and Checking is Installed or Not
[*] git is already installed
[*] python3 is already installed
[*] python3-pip is already installed
[*] ruby is already installed
[*] golang-go is already installed
[*] snapd could not be found [*] Installing snapd
[*] snapd is not installed successfully, Please install it manually
[*] cmake is already installed
[*] jq is already installed
[*] gobuster is already installed
[*] chromium is already installed
[*] parallel is already installed
[*] Installing Python Tools
[*] Sublist3r could not be found [*] Installing Sublist3r
[*] Sublist3r is installed successfully
[*] sqlmap is already installed
[*] urldedupe is already installed
[*] openredirex is already installed
[*] waymore is already installed
[*] findomain is already installed
[*] uro is already installed
[*] Installing Wordlists and Payloads
[*] Skipping payloads/lfi.txt, already exists.
[*] Skipping resolvers.txt, already exists.
[*] Skipping subdomains.txt, already exists.
[*] Skipping fuzz.txt, already exists.
[*] Skipping dicc.txt, already exists.
[*] Skipping big.txt, already exists.
[*] Skipping dns.txt, already exists.
[*] Installing Go Tools
[*] anew is already installed
[*] gf is already installed
[*] aquatone could not be found [*] Installing aquatone
[*] aquatone is not installed successfully, Please install it manually
[*] assetfinder is already installed
[*] gau is already installed
[*] waybackurls is already installed
[*] httpx could not be found [*] Installing httpx
[*] httpx is not installed successfully, Please install it manually
[*] amass could not be found [*] Installing amass
[*] amass is not installed successfully, Please install it manually
[*] kxss is already installed
[*] subjack is already installed
[*] qsreplace is already installed
[*] dnsx could not be found [*] Installing dnsx
[*] dnsx is not installed successfully, Please install it manually
[*] dalfox is already installed
[*] crlfuzz is already installed
[*] nuclei could not be found [*] Installing nuclei
[*] nuclei is not installed successfully, Please install it manually
[*] subfinder could not be found [*] Installing subfinder
[*] subfinder is not installed successfully, Please install it manually
[*] Configuring Tools and Setting Up Environment
[*] All Tools are installed successfully

Προγράμματα που χρησιμοποιεί:


Παράδειγμα Χρήσης

Οι προεπιλεγμένες επιλογές φαίνονται ως εξής:

g!2m0:~ webcopilot -d http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ -a -b eeuyhzfpwgnsezrraragtd70ex5oc2hsw.oast.fun
                                                                [] Version: 2.0.0
                                                                [] @h4r5h1t | G!2m0

[] Warning: Use with caution. You are responsible for your own actions.
[] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage cause by this tool.

Target:  http://testphp.vulnweb.com/
Output:  /home/ubuntu/github/webcopilot/webcopilot-1714304809
Threads: 100
Server:  eeuyhzfpwgnsezdyeragtd70ex5oc2hsw.oast.fun
Exclude: False
Mode:    Running all Enumeration
Time:    28-04-2024 17:16:49

[!] Please wait while scanning...

[] Passive Subdomain Scanning is in progress:

[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [assetfinder✔]                 Subdomain Found: 0
[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [SUBLIST3R_V2.0]              Subdomain Found: 0
[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [subfinder✔]                   Subdomain Found: 1
[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [amass✔]                       Subdomain Found: 0
[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [findomain✔]                   Subdomain Found: 1

[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [crt.sh✔]                      Subdomain Found: 0
[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [hackertarget✔]                Subdomain Found: 1
[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [riddler✔]                     Subdomain Found: 0
[] Subdomain Scanned  -  [certspotter✔]                 Subdomain Found: 0

[] Active Subdomain Scanning is in progress:
[!] Please be patient. This may take a while...
[] Active Subdomain Scanned  -  [gobuster✔]             Subdomain Found: 0
[] Active Subdomain Scanned  -  [amass✔]                Subdomain Found: 0

[] Subdomain Filtering: Filtering Alive subdomains
[] Subdomain Filtering  -   Filtering alive subdomains is completed.    Check: /subdomains/alivesub.txt
[] Subdomain Scanning: Getting titles of valid subdomains
[] Visual inspection of Subdomains is completed.        Check: /subdomains/aquatone/

[] Subdomain Enumeration Completed.    Total: 1 | Alive: 1

[] Endpoints Scanning Completed.  Total: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanning is in progress: Getting all vulnerabilities of 
[] Vulnerabilities Scanning is in progress:

[] Vulnerabilities Scanned  -  [XSS✔]                   Found: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanned  -  [SQLi✔]                  Found: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanned  -  [LFI✔]                   Found: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanned  -  [CRLF✔]                  Found: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanned  -  [SSRF✔]                  Found: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanned  -  [Open redirect✔]         Found: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanned  -  [Subdomain Takeover✔]    Found: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanned  -  [Nuclie✔]                Found: 0
[] Vulnerabilities Scanning Completed.    Check: /vulnerabilities/

▒█▀▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █░░█ █░░ ▀▀█▀▀
▒█▄▄▀ █▀▀ ▀▀█ █░░█ █░░ ░░█░░
▒█░▒█ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ░▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ░░▀░░

[+] Subdomains of http://testphp.vulnweb.com/
[+] Subdomains Found: 1
[+] Subdomains Alive: 1
[+] Endpoints: 0
[+] XSS: 0
[+] SQLi: 0
[+] Open Redirect: 0
[+] SSRF: 0
[+] CRLF: 0
[+] LFI: 0
[+] Subdomain Takeover: 0
[+] Nuclei: 0

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Written by Anastasis Vasileiadis

Οι μεταφράσεις είναι σαν τις γυναίκες. Όταν είναι ωραίες δεν είναι πιστές και όταν είναι πιστές δεν είναι ωραίες.

Αφήστε μια απάντηση

Η ηλ. διεύθυνση σας δεν δημοσιεύεται. Τα υποχρεωτικά πεδία σημειώνονται με *

Το μήνυμα σας δεν θα δημοσιευτεί εάν:
1. Περιέχει υβριστικά, συκοφαντικά, ρατσιστικά, προσβλητικά ή ανάρμοστα σχόλια.
2. Προκαλεί βλάβη σε ανηλίκους.
3. Παρενοχλεί την ιδιωτική ζωή και τα ατομικά και κοινωνικά δικαιώματα άλλων χρηστών.
4. Διαφημίζει προϊόντα ή υπηρεσίες ή διαδικτυακούς τόπους .
5. Περιέχει προσωπικές πληροφορίες (διεύθυνση, τηλέφωνο κλπ).