Η Google κυκλοφόρησε ενημερώσεις για το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης Chrome 132 στο σταθερό κανάλι για Mac, Linux και Windows. Οι ενημερώσεις φέρνουν 4 επιδιορθώσεις ασφαλείας.
Η νέα έκδοση ανακοινώθηκε ως συνήθως στο blog της Google. Το σταθερό κανάλι έχει ενημερωθεί στην έκδοση 132.0.6834.83/84 για Windows και macOS. Στο Linux, η ενημέρωση ενημερώνει το δημοφιλέστερο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης στην έκδοση 132.0.6834.83.

Η νέα έκδοση διορθώνει 16 κενά ασφαλείας και η εταιρεία δημοσιεύει τα παρακάτω
- [$7000][374627491] High CVE-2025-0434: Out of bounds memory access in V8. Reported by ddme on 2024-10-21
- [$7000][379652406] High CVE-2025-0435: Inappropriate implementation in Navigation. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz on 2024-11-18
- [$3000][382786791] High CVE-2025-0436: Integer overflow in Skia. Reported by Han Zheng (HexHive) on 2024-12-08
- [$2000][378623799] High CVE-2025-0437: Out of bounds read in Metrics. Reported by Xiantong Hou of Wuheng Lab and Pisanbao on 2024-11-12
- [TBD][384186539] High CVE-2025-0438: Stack buffer overflow in Tracing. Reported by Han Zheng (HexHive) on 2024-12-15
- [$5000][371247941] Medium CVE-2025-0439: Race in Frames. Reported by Hafiizh on 2024-10-03
- [$5000][40067914] Medium CVE-2025-0440: Inappropriate implementation in Fullscreen. Reported by Umar Farooq on 2023-07-22
- [$2000][368628042] Medium CVE-2025-0441: Inappropriate implementation in Fenced Frames. Reported by someoneverycurious on 2024-09-21
- [$2000][40940854] Medium CVE-2025-0442: Inappropriate implementation in Payments. Reported by Ahmed ElMasry on 2023-11-08
- [$1000][376625003] Medium CVE-2025-0443: Insufficient data validation in Extensions. Reported by Anonymous on 2024-10-31
- [$1000][359949844] Low CVE-2025-0446: Inappropriate implementation in Extensions. Reported by Hafiizh on 2024-08-15
- [$1000][375550814] Low CVE-2025-0447: Inappropriate implementation in Navigation. Reported by Khiem Tran (@duckhiem) on 2024-10-25
- [$1000][377948403] Low CVE-2025-0448: Inappropriate implementation in Compositing. Reported by Dahyeon Park on 2024-11-08
- [389761478] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives
(o offline installer δεν συμπεριλαμβάνει την λειτουργία της αυτόματης ενημέρωσης…
- Download web installer: Google Chrome Web 32-bit | Google Chrome 64-bit | Freeware
- Download: Google Chrome Offline Installer 64-bit | 121.0 MB
- Download: Google Chrome Offline Installer 32-bit | 109.0 MB
- Download page: Google Chrome Portable
- Download: Google Chrome MSI Installers for Windows (automatic update)
- View: Chrome Website | Release Notes